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User Management Using AWS Cognito


User Management Using AWS Cognito

In this project, you will learn to use AWS Cognito for user pool management and authentication. You will configure and use the AWS Command Line Interface for this project.

User Management Using AWS Cognito

You will learn to:

Configure the AWS Command Line Interface

Manage users in your user pool

Manage client applications

Manage and authenticate users using AWS Cognito


User Management


Using AWS Cloud Services


Basic knowledge of Amazon Web Service

Basic knowledge of Command Line Interface

Must have an AWS account


AWS Cognito

Project Description

Amazon Cognito is used to handle authentication, authorization, and user management for web and mobile applications. Users can log in using their username and password, or through a third-party service like Facebook, Amazon, Google, or Apple.

User pools and identity pools are the two fundamental components of Amazon Cognito. User pools are user directories that allow your application’s users to sign up and sign in. You can utilize identity pools to give your users access to other AWS services. For AWS Cognito pricing you can follow this Link.

In this project, you’ll learn how to configure Amazon Cognito using the Command Line Interface. After that, you’ll learn to create and manage the User pools and client applications in the user pools. You’ll also learn how to manage and authenticate the users in the user pools.

Project Tasks


Configuration of AWS CLI

Task 0: Initial Setup

Task 1: Configure Your Account


User Pool Management Using AWS CLI

Task 2: View All User Pools

Task 3: Create Your User Pool

Task 4: Create the Client Application

Task 5: View All Client Applications


User Management Using AWS CLI

Task 6: View All Users in the User Pool

Task 7: Register a New User

Task 8: Confirm the Registration

Task 9: Update User Attributes

Task 10: Disable the User

Task 11: Delete the User
