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Yoga Pose Detection Using MediaPipe Pose


Yoga Pose Detection Using MediaPipe Pose

In this project, we’ll use a pretrained MediaPipe Pose model to extract body landmarks and classify yoga poses using the XGBoost classifier.

Yoga Pose Detection Using MediaPipe Pose

You will learn to:

Process the image data.

Interpret and analyze body landmarks from MediaPipe Pose.

Perform pose classification using XGBoost.

Create, save, and load a machine learning model.

Create a basic Flask application.


Machine Learning Fundamentals

Data Science

Image Manipulation


Basic understanding of Python

Basic understanding of image processing

Intermediate knowledge of machine learning



XGBoost logo


Mediapipe logo


Project Description

Pose landmarks are like special markers on the human body that show how it’s positioned. These markers represent important body parts like hands, legs, and joints. They’re really important for understanding and recognizing human movements and gestures. To help with landmark identification, deep learning, and computer vision are used. They’re like special tools that let us see and understand these pose landmarks.

This project will leverage the landmark detection on an image-based yoga dataset to build a yoga pose detector. For landmark detection, we’ll use the MediaPipe framework from Google. MediaPipe Pose is built on BlazePose, which is lightweight and fast and doesn’t need a lot of computer power. BlazePose identifies 33 landmarks on the body in real time. MediaPipe framework is a collection of pretrained models for object detection, segmentation, pose detection, face reading, and hand gesture detection, to name a few.

In this project, we’ll extract landmarks data of different yoga pose images via MediaPipe Pose and then use the XGBoost classifier to build a classifier that classifies among the five yoga poses. The lightweight MediaPipe Pose model will allow us to do everything while consuming limited resources.

MediaPipe’s default pose landmarks
MediaPipe’s default pose landmarks

Project Tasks



Task 0: Get Started

Task 1: Import Libraries


Landmark Detection with Mediapipe Pose

Task 2: Landmark Detection with MediaPipe

Task 3: Visualize MediaPipe’s Landmarks


Processing the Dataset

Task 4: Split the Dataset

Task 5: Verify the Split

Task 6: Store the Image Data as Text

Task 7: Call the Function

Task 8: Load and Preprocess the Data


Classification Model

Task 9: Build and Train the Model

Task 10: Test the Classifier

Task 11: Save the Model

Task 12: Use the Model


Flask Application

Task 13: Create the Application’s Frontend

Task 14: Implement the Image Upload Functionality

Task 15: Complete the Image Uploading Process

Task 16: Display Pose Detection Results
