Stopping Your Animation Loop

Once your requestAnimationFrame loop starts running, rarely will you ever need to tell it to stop. If you do need to stop your animation loop from doing unnecessary work, you can do something like the following:

var running = true;
function animate() {
if (running) {
// do animation or drawing stuff

If your running variable were to ever be set to false, your animation loop will stop doing whatever work is being done. Your animate function will still get called by virtue of it being attached to your requestAnimationFrame. It just won’t be doing any work since the if (running) check will return false.

Now, if you really REALLY need to stop your requestAnimationFrame from calling some poor function around 60 times a second, you do have requestAnimationFrame's evil twin, cancelAnimationFrame. The best way to explain how it prevents requestAnimationFrame from working is by looking at a simple example:

// store your requestAnimatFrame request ID value
var requestId;
// setting up a click event listener
var bodyElement = document.querySelector("body");
bodyElement.addEventListener("click", stopAnimation, false);
function animate() {
// doing some animation stuff
// get the requestID as part of calling animate()
requestId = requestAnimationFrame(animate);
function stopAnimation(e) {
// use the requestID to cancel the requestAnimationFrame call

This simple example should readily highlight how the cancelAnimationFrame works. The thing that I didn’t call out about requestAnimationFrame is that it returns an ID value whenever it gets called:

requestId = requestAnimationFrame(animate);

Normally, you don’t care about this ID. The only time you really need to know this ID value is when wanting to use cancelAnimationFrame. The reason is that cancelAnimationFrame uses the ID value to identify the right requestAnimationFrame function to stop:


That’s all there is to the cancelAnimationFrame function. I should emphasize that you really don’t need to go through all this trouble to cancel a requestAnimationFrame setup. The initial approach I outlined with the running variable is a good enough approach to use. With that said…if you really want to go the extra mile, you have a friend in cancelAnimationFrame!