Using This Magical Function

The way you use requestAnimationFrame is very simple. Whenever you want to redraw your screen, simply call it along with the name of your animation loop function (aka a callback) that is responsible for drawing stuff to your screen:


The thing to note is that the requestAnimationFrame function isn’t a loop. It isn’t a timer. You need to call it every time you want to get the screen repainted. This means, unless you want your animation to stop, you need to call requestionAnimationFrame again through the same callback function that you specified. I know that sounds bizarre, but it looks as follows:

function animate() {
// stuff for animating goes here

The animate method is the callback function for our requestAnimationFrame call, and it will get called very rapidly once it starts running.

Vendor Prefixes Not Needed

At this point, requestAnimationFrame has extremely broad support among the browsers people use according to the caniuse statistics for it. There is no need to vendor prefix it anymore, so I would suggest saving some lines of code from having to do that.