Challenge: Remove Duplicate from a Linked List Using Hashing

Given a linked list, remove duplicates from it and implement the solution using Hashing. Solve this exercise and see if your output matches the expected output.

Problem Statement:

In this problem, you have to implement public static <V> void removeDuplicatesWithHashing(SinglyLinkedList<V> list) function. This function will take a Singly linked list as input and remove all the elements that appear more than once in the list. An illustration is also provided for your understanding.

Function Prototype:

public static <V> void removeDuplicatesWithHashing(SinglyLinkedList<V> list)


The linked list with all the duplicates removed.

Sample Input

linkedlist = 7->14->21->14->22->null

Sample Output

linkedlist = 7->14->21->22->null

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