Challenge: Return the Nth Node from End

Returning nth node from the start of a list is easy, but can you return nth node from the end of a list? Solve this challenge and see if your output matches the correct output.

Problem Statement #

In this problem, you have to implement Object nthElementFromEnd(SinglyLinkedList<T> list, int n) method, which will take a linked list as an input and returns the nth element of the list from the end. To solve this, you will have to come up with a formula by comparing multiple outputs and inputs and identifying a common pattern. An illustration is also provided for your understanding.

Method Prototype #

public static <T> Object nthElementFromEnd(SinglyLinkedList<T> list, int n)

Output #

It will return nth node from the end of the linked list.

Sample Input #

linkedlist = 22->18->60->78->47->39->99 and n=3

Sample Output #


Consider the following example:

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