Game Canvas

Learn to create a canvas container to provide an area for building the game.

We'll cover the following

The <canvas> elements provide various functionalities needed for creating games.


Let’s start by creating a container for the game. It is very simple, we just have to use the <canvas> element and specify the width and height attributes, like so:

<canvas id='canvas' width="600px" height="500px">

We have set a width equal to 600 pixels and a height equal to 500 pixels. You can set it according to your choice.


By using CSS, we will set the border and background color by using the code given below.

#canvas {
border: 1px solid rgb(23, 21, 158);
background-color: rgb(201, 225, 233);

Let’s see what output we get after adding the HTML and CSS part.

Let’s move to the main part, the JavaScript part in the next lesson.