Playing With Playwright

Let's start playing with Playwright.


In this lesson, we will try to run the test file of Playwright boilerplate to see if it is working fine with our Docker image. We have already installed all the required dependencies in our Dockerfile. Now, we need to run the tests to check if our Dockerfile is working fine.

Playwright Boilerplate Structure

Playwright boilerplate is available on Github at this link We have renamed the folder playwright-typescript-ts-jest-jest-expect to playwright-master for ease.

The test file sandbox.spec.ts is present inside the __tests__ folder.

The directory structure can be understood with the help of the image given below.

Playwright Boilerplate Structure
Playwright Boilerplate Structure

Test File

The test file in the GitHub repository does not run in a headless mode that causes it to throw the following error.


Hence, a minor change is needed in sandbox.spec.ts file to avoid this error while setting up the Playwright environment.

We will set the headless mode to true in line 10 of the test file

 : await chromium.launch({headless: true});

Working Behind the Tests

The step by step guide for understanding the process happening behind the test in sandbox.spec.ts is given below.

  1. In line 1, chromium is imported and is launched at line 9.

  2. In line 6, a test suite is created, which is invoked when we run the command npm test.

  3. In line 13, a web page on which we are running our test is accessed. It consists of a single heading, as can be seen by going to the link

Sandbox web app
Sandbox web app
  1. The test case starting from line 27 is testing the title and the heading of the web app.

  2. Let’s now run the tests.

The tests can be run in the terminal. We will have to add a start script.

Start Script

The start script consists of 3 commands.

  1. cd playwright-master/__tests__. In the first step, we move to the tests folder where our test file is present.

  2. rm ._*. This command is to remove all the extra files in case the Educative platform creates duplicate files. Such files disturb the working of the project and throw random errors.

Note: In some cases, the Educative platform creates duplicate files starting with the prefix ._ that throws random errors. These files can be seen by using the following command in the terminal.

ls -al 

An error thrown due to creating such a file in our project is shown in the figure below.

Error thrown due to duplicate files
Error thrown due to duplicate files
  1. npm test or npm run test is used to run the test file present in the directory.

Note: it is not necessary to be in the __tests__ folder to runs the test file. npm test run the tests even if you are present in the root directory.

Run the Tests

Terminal 1

The tests run as expected.