Challenge: Detect Loop in a Linked List

Can you detect a loop in a linked list given as an input to your function? A solution is placed in the "solution" section for your help, but we would suggest you solve it on your own first.

Problem Statement #

In this problem, you have to implement the public static <T> boolean detectLoop(SinglyLinkedList<T> list) method, which will take a Singly linked list as input and find if there is a loop present in the list. A loop in a linked list occurs if any node contains a reference to any previous node, then a loop will be formed. An illustration is also provided for your understanding.

Method Prototype #

public static <T> boolean detectLoop(SinglyLinkedList<T> list)

Output #

It returns true if a loop exists in the linked list; otherwise, false.

Sample Input #

linkedlist = 7->14->21->7

Sample Output #


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