Challenge: Find if Doubly Linked-list is a Palindrome

In this lesson, you will have to solve a coding challenge to find if a doubly linked-list is a palindrome.

Problem Statement

This challenge is easier to perform on a doubly linked-list with a tail pointer than on a singly linked-list. Let’s first see what a palindrome is. A palindrome is any string or sequence that reads the same from both ends. The following snippet shows examples of some palindromes.


You can extend this example to a linked-list as well. For example, the following linked-lists are palindromes:

List = 2<->0<->0<->2
List = 1<->2<->3<->2<->1
List = 1

The following ones are not palindrome:

List = 1<->2<->3
List = 2<->3

Method Prototype

public static boolean isPalindrome(DoublyLinkedList<T> list)


Your function will return a boolean variable; true when linked-list is a palindrome, false when it is not.

Sample Input

A doubly linked list with tail pointer

linkedlist = 1<->2<->3<->2<->1

Sample Output


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