An AKE Protocol Based on Key Distribution

Let’s learn about the AKE protocol based on key distribution and the use of symmetric cryptography.

The STS protocol is an AKE protocol based on key agreement and public-key cryptography. We will now look at an AKE protocol based on key distribution and the use of symmetric cryptography. This protocol is a simplified version of one from ISO 9798-2. This protocol involves using a trusted third party (denoted by TTP).

Protocol description

The idea behind this AKE protocol is that Alice and Bob both trust the TTP. When Alice and Bob wish to establish a shared key KABK_{AB}, they will ask the TTP to generate one for them, which will then be securely distributed to them. The protocol involves the following assumptions:

  • Alice has already established a long-term shared symmetric key KATK_{AT} with the TTP.

  • Bob has already established a long-term shared symmetric key KBTK_{BT} with the TTP.

  • Alice and Bob are both capable of randomly generating nonces.

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