Demo Application

Look at how the Api-Football endpoints and widgets can be integrated into a React application.

Let's look at a React app that uses some of the Api-Football endpoints and widgets to retrieve the requested data. We'll use the Games and Standings widgets in the application. We'll also use five endpoints that are as follows:

  • Teams information

  • Standings

  • Players

  • Top Scorers

  • Top Assists

Application workflow

Let's look at the application workflow from the user's point of view:

  • When the application starts, we are presented with the homepage. This page displays the fixtures list, standings for EPL, and a navbar.

  • Using the search field in the navbar, we can search for any team.

  • By clicking any of the league logos displayed in the navbar, we're redirected to a page that shows the standings, a list of top scorers, and a list of top assist providers of that league.

Demo application

The widget below contains the code for our application. Click the "Run" button to see the app in action.

Note: We are limited to 10 requests per minute with the free account. In the event that we go above this limit, we will receive an error in response.

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