Placing Content in Your Post-Apocalyptic Grid - III

Learn about grid self properties like justify-self, align-self, and place-self.

Don’t you self justify, zombie!

justify-self: This lets you set how an item is aligned within its context, i.e. its column.

Note: The properties we’ve discussed are like genetic zombie contagions—(set on the parent), while this and the other “self” properties are set within the item itself.

.zombie-item {
    justify-self: stretch;

justify-self can have the following values:

  • start: This aligns the item with the start of the column that it is in. In left-to-right languages, that’s the left.
  • end: This aligns the item with the end of the column that it is in. In left-to-right languages, that’s the right.
  • center: This centers the item within the column.
  • stretch: This stretches the item to fill the width of the column.

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