Course Overview

Let's get introduced to RxJava, the intended audience, and the outline of this course.

Why RxJava?

Since its inception in 2012, RxJava has slowly gained popularity by enabling reactive programming on Android. It is now deemed as the go-to, leading reactive library. Many companies have adopted the reactive way of programming, including Google with its release of Android Architecture Components, which has many reactive elements in its design.

In Reactive Programming with RxJava, we seek to condense RxJava principles and provide a structured and simplified approach with many code examples.

Intended audience

This course serves as a foundation for experienced Android developers who are new to RxJava to start integrating it into their apps.

What to expect

This course contains well-explained topics alongside code snippets that you can run on Android Studio on your own machine.

To allow you to have hands-on experience on our platform, we have set up a Gradle Java application so that you may experiment right here inside the course.

Course outline

The course is broken into two parts:

  • RxJava Basics talks about reactive programming and goes through the basics of RxJava.
  • RxJava Advanced talks about advanced concepts in RxJava and how they apply to Android.

Let’s get started!