

Demo Application

Demo Application

Learn to build a fully functional React shipment management system using Shippo APIs.

In this lesson, we’ll see a sample React application of a shipment management system.


We’ve used the following endpoints in the application:

  1. Addresses: We’ll create toAddress and fromAddress using the addresses endpoint.

  2. Parcels: We’ll create a parcel using the parcel's endpoint.

  3. Shipments: The addresses and the parcel above will be used to create a shipment object. The shipment object will contain a rate list of different carriers.

  4. Transactions: The user selects a rate from the rate list retrieved from the shipment object. The transaction endpoint will take that rate and place the shipment in the queue.

The demo application can be run by clicking “Run” in the widget below. Before that, don’t forget to enter the TOKEN. Once the server starts, click the link next to “Your app can be found at”:

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