What is Kosaraju’s strongly connected component algorithm?

In computer science and graph theory, identifying strongly connected components (SCCs) in directed graphs is a pivotal task with wide-ranging applications, from social network analysis to web page rankings and compiler optimizations. One of the efficient solutions to this problem is Kosaraju’s algorithm. In this answer, we’ll look into the workings of Kosaraju’s algorithm, detailing its procedure and computational efficiency and providing a Python implementation.

Introduction to strongly connected components

A strongly connected component (SCC) in a directed graph is a maximal subgraph wherein each vertex is reachable from every other vertex in the same subgraph. This concept is crucial for analyzing the connectivity and clustering within networks.

Kosaraju’s algorithm overview

Developed by S. Rao Kosaraju in the late 1970s, Kosaraju’s algorithm is appreciated for its simplicity and efficiency in identifying all SCCs in a directed graph. It operates in two main phases, each involving a complete traversal of the graph:

  1. A depth-first search (DFS) determines nodes’ finishing times.

  2. Transposing the graph followed by another DFS guided by the previously obtained finishing times.


1 of 3

Step-by-step explanation of the algorithm

Phase 1: Depth-first search and finishing times

This phase includes two main steps:

  1. Perform DFS: Initiate DFS from any unvisited vertex, exploring as far as possible along each branch before backtracking.

  2. Record finishing times: Maintain a stack where vertices are pushed based on finishing times, i.e., the vertex finishing the exploration last is pushed first.

Phase 2: Transpose and discover SCCs

This phase includes three main steps:

  1. Transpose the graph: Create a new graph by reversing the direction of all edges in the original graph.

  2. DFS–based on finishing times: Pop vertices from the stack (starting with the vertex that finished last in the original graph) and perform DFS in the transposed graph. Each DFS run from a vertex identifies a new SCC.

  3. Identify SCCs: Vertices reached during a single DFS call constitute an SCC.

Code example

Here’s a Python code snippet that implements Kosaraju’s algorithm:

from collections import defaultdict
class Graph:
def __init__(self, vertices):
self.V = vertices
self.graph = defaultdict(list)
def add_edge(self, src, dest):
# Add a source verted to destination vertex
# A DFS function used by Kosarajo's algorithm to perform DFS and
# push the vertex of a stack
def depth_first_search(self, v, visited, stack):
# Flag to mark the current node as visited
visited[v] = True
for neighbor in self.graph[v]:
if not visited[neighbor]:
self.depth_first_search(neighbor, visited, stack)
def transpose(self):
g = Graph(self.V)
for v in self.graph:
for neighbor in self.graph[v]:
return g
def get_strongly_connected_components(self):
stack = []
visited = [False] * self.V
for i in range(self.V):
if not visited[i]:
self.depth_first_search(i, visited, stack)
gr = self.transpose()
visited = [False] * self.V
sccs = []
while stack:
i = stack.pop()
if not visited[i]:
scc_stack = []
gr.depth_first_search(i, visited, scc_stack)
return sccs
def main():
n = [3, 4, 5, 4, 3]
edges = [[[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2]],
[[2, 3], [3, 2, 1], [3, 0, 2], [2, 1]],
[[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 4], [3, 4]],
[[0, 2, 1], [3, 2, 1], [2, 1, 0]],
[[2, 0, 1], [1, 2]]]
for i in range(len(n)):
print(i + 1, ".\t n = ", n[i], sep="")
print("\t Edges = ", edges[i], sep="")
g = Graph(n[i])
for j in range(len(edges[i])):
g.add_edge(edges[i][j][0], edges[i][j][1])
print("\n\t Strongly connected components:", g.get_strongly_connected_components())
print("-" * 100)


Below is a detailed explanation of the implementation of Kosaraju’s algorithm for finding strongly connected components:

  1. Lines 3–6: We define the Graph class that sets up the number of vertices and initializes an adjacency list to store the graph.

  2. Lines 8–10: In the add_edge() method, we add a directed edge from a source vertex (src) to a destination vertex by appending the destination to the adjacency list of the source.

  3. Lines 12–18: In the depth_first_search() method, we perform a depth-first search starting from the vertex v. We mark v as visited and recursively visit all unvisited neighbors, and we finally push v onto the stack once all its neighbors are processed.

  4. Lines 20–26: In the transpose() method, we generate a transposed graph where we reverse all edge directions. We then iterate over each vertex and its neighbors in the original graph and add a reverse edge in a new graph instance.

  5. Lines 28–53: Finally, in the get_strongly_connected_components() method, we orchestrate the finding of strongly connected components by initializing a list stack to store vertices based on their finishing times in the DFS.

    1. Line 31: We create a boolean list visited that keeps track of visited vertices.

    2. Lines 34–36: We fill the stack by performing DFS from each unvisited vertex, ensuring all vertices are processed.

    3. Lines 45–53: We use the vertices in stack (processed in order of their finishing times) to perform DFS on the transposed graph. Each complete DFS identifies one SCC, which is then added to the list sccs.

Complexity analysis

The time complexity of Kosaraju’s algorithm is O(V+E)O(V+E), where VV is the number of vertices and EE is the number of edges due to the two DFS passes and the graph transposition. This efficiency makes it highly suitable for large graphs.


Kosaraju’s algorithm remains a fundamental and efficient method for identifying strongly connected components in directed graphs. Its simplicity and optimal performance, backed by a clear Python implementation, illustrate its practical applications and robustness in handling complex graph-based problems.

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