Introduction to Distributed Monitoring [backup]

Learn why monitoring in a distributed system is crucial.


The modern economy depends on the continual operation of IT infrastructure. Such infrastructure contains hardware, distributed services, and network resources. These components are interlinked in such infrastructure, making it challenging to keep everything functioning smoothly and without application downtime.

It’s challenging to know what’s happening at the hardware or application level when our infrastructure is distributed across multiple locations and includes many servers. Components can run into failures, response latency overshoot, overloaded or unreachable hardware, and containers running out of resources, among others. Multiple services are running in such infrastructure, and anything can go awry. When one of the services goes down, it can be the reason for other services to crash, and as a result, the application is unavailable to users. If we don’t know what went wrong early, it could take us a long time and a lot of effort to debug the system manually. Moreover, for larger services, we need to ensure that our services are working within our agreed Service Level Agreements. We need to catch important trends and signals of impending failures as early warnings so that any concerns or issues could be addressed.

Monitoring helps in analyzing such complex infrastructure where something is constantly failing. Monitoring distributed systems entail gathering, interpreting, and displaying data about the interactions between processes that are running at the same time. It assists in debugging, testing, performance evaluation, and having a bird’s eye view over multiple services.

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