Configuring the testing setup

We'll cover the following

Configuring the testing setup

First things first, let’s create a testing DB. If you are using sqlite, create one in the database directory.

touch database/testing.sqlite

If you are using a different DB, create a testing database. Name it whatever you wish.

In .env.testing, add your database name


.env.testing is used to override the default values of .env when testing. We will complete our configuration in vowfile.js. vowfile.js is used for pre-tests and post-tests setup. First of all, uncomment the ace import: // const ace = require('@adonisjs/ace') . In the runner.before function, uncomment // await'migration:run', {}, { silent: true }) and add this below it

    await'seed', {}, { silent: true })

Likewise, in runner.after, uncomment // await'migration:reset', {}, { silent: true }).

Now, run your tests multiple times to verify that we don’t run into that 400 again.

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