Introduction to Functional Testing

Testing is an important part of any software development project. Testing gives us confidence in our code and helps us catch bugs before deployment.

We'll cover the following

Functional Testing

According to Wikipedia

Functional testing is a quality assurance (QA) process and a type of black-box testing that bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test.

Basically, functional tests are written in a way that matches how a real user will interact with the app. Take, for example, we want to test course addition from scratch. We will

  1. Open a headless or real browser
  2. Navigate to the register page
  3. Register the user
  4. Navigate to the course addition form
  5. Fill in the details
  6. Sumit the form We will have a test that will carry out these steps and ensure no error is thrown. If an error is thrown, then our tests fail and we will have to investigate what went wrong.

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