Using IoT Hub and Event Hubs Triggers

Azure Event Hubs (which has IoT Hub as its subset) is a data streaming platform and event ingestion service provided by Azure. It is designed for ingesting and processing large volumes of event data in real time from various sources such as applications, devices, and sensors.

Event Hubs allows us to collect and store millions of events per second in a reliable and scalable way. It also provides features like event batching, partitioning, and throttling to help you manage high throughput scenarios.

Event Hubs is commonly used in scenarios such as IoT telemetry, application logging, and real-time analytics. It also supports different protocols such as AMQP, HTTP, and Kafka, allowing us to choose the one that best fits our use case.

Azure Functions can also integrate with Event Hubs. In this lesson, we will learn how to do it. We will do so with the aid of the following interactive playground:

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