Introducing and Creating the Application Collections
Learn about the technologies and structures of application collections.
In this lesson, we’ll be introduced to the creation of an online bookshop. This bookshop will allow customers to purchase their favorite books online. The bookshop integrates Stripe payment API into the application. Customers can make payments using the Stripe API, and in a successful payment flow, the user will receive an email receipt with the purchase information.
The application will be created using Meteor for the server framework and React as the client framework. We already know from previous lessons that we’ll use these technologies to create a full-stack application that contains an authentication module, an email sending module, and a third-party API integration using Stripe.
The application will consist of two user types which are the users and an administrator. The user type can log in to the system to purchase books. After a successful purchase, a receipt is generated and sent to their email address. The administrator type is responsible for setting up the system. This user enters information about the books to sell into the system and is responsible for managing the system.
Technology to use
To code the online bookshop, we’ll use the following:
- Meteor for the back-end server.
- React for the front-end client.
- MongoDB to store data.
- Bootstrap to style.
- Stripe to make and receive payments.
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