Map Types

Learn about the different map types that can be used in projects.

Modify a map type

Depending on what best suits the use case, many types of maps within the API can be used. Map types can be modified by using the mapTypeId property in the mapTypeId object or dynamically modified using the map.setMapTypeId() method.

Here’s a code snippet that demonstrates how to set the map type property during the initialization:

const map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
    mapTypeId: '<map_type>',

This is how to update the map type dynamically:


These are the four basic types of maps in the Google Maps API:

  • roadmap
  • satellite
  • hybrid
  • terrain

The roadmap type

The roadmap type displays the default 2D map type, which is a normal road map. To use it, set the mapTypeId as roadmap.

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