

Tilted Map View

Tilted Map View

Learn how to enable tilted 45° imagery support on certain map types.

Rotated 45° imagery

The satellite and hybrid map types also feature 45° imagery support. This is only available on zoom levels greater than 12. This high-resolution imagery provides perspective views towards any of the four principal compass directions.

When a user zooms onto a particular map section, the rotate control becomes visible, and a 45° perspective imagery replaces default imagery.

We can adjust 45° imagery behavior by adjusting the zoom level and the tilt level:

  • At zoom levels between 12 and 18, the 0° base map is displayed by default unless the tilt value is set to 45°.
  • At zoom levels greater than 18, the 45° base map is displayed by default unless the tilt value is set to 0°.

We can enable 45° imagery by setting tilt to 45°, like this:


We can disable 45° imagery by setting tilt to 0°, like this:


Code example

Here’s an example of a map on which 45° imagery is enabled:

45° tilt imagery

In the above code widget, we enable 45° tilted satellite imagery on the map by setting the tilt to 45 on line 8.