Trending GIFs and Stickers
Learn how to fetch GIPHY's trending GIFs and stickers.
In this lesson, we’ll explore and practice a basic (but important) endpoint from GIPHY, the trending endpoint. It fetches all GIFs and stickers currently trending on GIPHY.
Before we get started, let's see how stickers are different from GIFs.
GIFs vs. stickers
As mentioned earlier in this course, a GIF is a short rendition of an image that loops and moves. They have a specific square frame, which limits the use of GIFs. For example, consider a scenario where we need to add an animated image to someone’s Snapchat story, which already has some content. We can’t fit squares in this use case. This is where stickers come in as a viable alternative! Stickers are GIFs with transparent backgrounds. They can be more visually appealing and can physically fit the space better. They’re great when we want to add animated content somewhere, such as on a messaging application (Slack or WhatsApp), a story (Snapchat or Instagram), or an online game.
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