Inference: Constructive and Destructive Dilemma

Learn about the constructive and destructive dilemma.

Constructive dilemma

If we know that (q1q2)(q3q4)\left(q_1\Rightarrow q_2\right)\land\left(q_3\Rightarrow q_4\right) is true, and (q1q3)\left(q_1 \lor q_3\right) is also true, then we can conclude that (q2q4)\left(q_2\lor q_4\right) is true. We can write it as the following tautology:

((q1q2)(q3q4)(q1q3))(q2q4).\left(\left(q_1\Rightarrow q_2\right)\land\left(q_3\Rightarrow q_4\right)\land \left(q_1 \lor q_3\right)\right)\Rightarrow \left(q_2\lor q_4\right).

To understand why this is a tautology, we observe that, if (q1q3)\left(q_1 \lor q_3\right) is true, there are three possibilities; let’s look at them one by one.

q1\bold {q_1} is true: In this case, q2q_2 has to be true otherwise, (q1q2)\left(q_1\Rightarrow q_2\right) will become false. Hence, (q2q4)\left(q_2\lor q_4\right) is true.

q3\bold {q_3} is true: In this case, q4q_4 has to be true otherwise, (q3q4)\left(q_3\Rightarrow q_4\right) will become false. Hence, (q2q4)\left(q_2\lor q_4\right) is true.

q1\bold {q_1} and q3\bold {q_3} both are true: In this case, q2q_2 has to be true otherwise, (q1q2)\left(q_1\Rightarrow q_2\right) will become false; and q4q_4 has to be true otherwise, (q3q4)\left(q_3\Rightarrow q_4\right) will become false. Hence, (q2q4)\left(q_2\lor q_4\right) is true.


Let’s look at a few examples to understand and apply the rule of constructive dilemma.

Consider the following propositions:

  • FSF_{S}: Harry wants to fly to Sydney.
  • ATA_{T}: Harry needs an air ticket to Sydney.
  • TST_{S}: Harry wants to take a train to Sydney.
  • TTT_{T}: Harry needs a train ticket to Sydney.

Now assume that the following propositions are true:

  • FSATF_{S}\Rightarrow A_{T}: If Harry wants to fly to Sydney, (then) he needs an air ticket to Sydney.

  • TSTTT_{S}\Rightarrow T_{T}: If Harry wants to take a train to Sydney, (then) he needs a train ticket to Sydney.

  • FSTSF_{S}\lor T_{S}: Harry wants to fly or take a train to Sydney.

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