Exercise 1: Finding Max in an Array

This exercise requires you to use template type to generalize the function used to find max element in an array

We'll cover the following

Problem Statement

In the code widget below, two functions both called array_max are declared. One finds max value for int type inputs and the other for double type.

In this exercise, you need to define a Template Class type function called array_max that will generalize the function such that it finds maximum value for both int and double type array input values.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Remove both the int and double type array_max functions and then write the code for the Template Class type array_max function there.

Your template class type array_max function code should find the maximum element in an array using

  • Function will take the array and array size as parameters.

Down below is what the expected output should look like.

Input 1:

If input is:

int arr[] = {2,8,20,3,2};

Input 2:

If input is:

double arr[] = {2.8,20.3,20.4,15.5}

Expected Output 1:


Expected Output 2:


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