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Python 101: Interactively learn how to program with Python 3
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All About Strings
Strings in Python
String Methods
String Slicing
String Formatting
Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries
What are we learning in this chapter?
Conditional Statements
What are conditional statements?
The if statement
Boolean Operations
Checking for Nothing
Special Characters
if __name__ == “__main__”
Introduction to Loops
The for Loop
The while Loop
What else is for in loops
Python Comprehensions
Introduction to Comprehensions
List comprehensions
Dictionary comprehensions
Set Comprehensions
Exception Handling
Introduction to Exception Handling
Common Exceptions
How to Handle Exceptions
The finally Statement
try, except, or else!
Working with Files
Introduction to File Handling
How to Read a File
How To Read Files Piece by Piece
Writing Files in Python
Using the with Operator
Catching Errors in file handling
Importing python modules
import this
Using from to import
Importing Everything!
Passing Arguments to a Function
Keyword Arguments
args and kwargs
A Note on Scope and Globals
Coding tip: Don't repeat yourself
Introduction to classes in Python
Creating a Class
What is self?
Introduction to Introspection
The Python Type
The Python Dir
Python Help!
The CSV Module
What's the CSV Module
Reading a CSV File
Writing a CSV File
Configuration files and config parser
Creating a Config File
How to Read, Update and Delete Options
How to Use Interpolation
Logging in Python
Creating a Simple Logger
How to log From Multiple Modules (and Formatting too!)
Configuring Logs for Work and Pleasure
The os Module
Python's os module
os.environ, os.getenv() and os.putenv()
Directory and file functions in Python
os.path and related functions
Sending emails
Sending email in python
Sending Multiple Emails at Once
Send email using the TO, CC and BCC lines
Add an attachment / body using the email module
The SQLite Module
Getting started with SQLite in python
How to Create a Database and INSERT Some Data
Updating and Deleting Records
Basic SQLite Queries
The subprocess Module
Python's subprocess module
The call function
The Popen Class
Learning to Communicate with subprocess
The sys Module
Python's sys module
The threading module
Threads in Python
Writing a Threaded Downloader
Working with Dates and Time
Date and time in Python
The datetime Module
The time Module
The xml module
Introduction to xml module
Working with minidom
Parsing with ElementTree
How to Create XML with ElementTree
How to Edit XML with ElementTree
How to Parse XML with ElementTree
The Python Debugger
Debugger module in Python
How to Start the Debugger
Stepping Through the Code
Setting breakpoints
Python Decorators
A Simple Function
Creating a Logging Decorator
Built-in Decorators
Replacing Setters and Getters with a Python property
The lambda
Lambda statement in Python
Tkinter + lambda
Code Profiling
Introduction to Code Profiling
Profiling Your Code with cProfile
An Intro to Testing
doctest and unittest
Testing with doctest
Test Driven Development with unittest
Other Notes
Installing Modules
Introduction to Installing packages
Installing from Source
Using easy\_install
Using pip
A Note on Dependencies
configobj in Python
Using a configspec
Parsing XML with lxml
What are we learning in this chapter?
Parsing XML with lxml
Parsing the Book Example
Parsing XML with lxml.objectify
Creating XML with lxml.objectify
Python Code Analysis
Analyzing Your Code
Getting Started with pyflakes
The requests package
What is a 'requests' package?
How to Submit a Web Form
SQLAlchemy in Python
How to Create a Database
How to Insert / Add Data to Your Tables
How to Modify Records with SQLAlchemy
How to Delete Records in SQLAlchemy
The Basic SQL Queries of SQLAlchemy
Virtual environments
Creating a Virtual Environment
Creating Modules and Packages
Introduction to Creating Modules & Packages
How to Create a Python Module
How to Create a Python Package
How to Add Your Code to PyPI
What's this chapter about?
Creating a setup.py File
Registering Packages
Uploading Packages to PyPI
The Python egg
Introduction to Python eggs
Creating an egg
Python wheels
Introduction to Python wheel
Creating a wheel
Installing a Python wheel
Introduction to py2exe
Creating a Simple GUI
The py2exe setup.py file
Creating an Advanced setup.py File
bbfreeze package
Getting Started with bbfreeze
Using bbfreeze's Advanced Configuration
Introduction to cx_Freeze
Getting Started with cx_Freeze
Advanced cx_Freeze - Using a setup.py File
Introduction to PyInstaller
Getting Started with PyInstaller
PyInstaller and wxPython
Creating an Installer
Introduction to Creating an Installer
Getting Started with GUI2Exe
Let's Make an Installer!
Date and time in Python
Python gives the developer several
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