Deployment on Heroku

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to deploy your Ember application on Heroku.

We'll cover the following

Deploying to Heroku is another option that is very easy to start with.

Installing heroku

We have to install the Heroku toolbelt so that we have the heroku command. One also needs a Heroku account, but no further setup is needed.

Deploying Ember apps to Heroku works by way of specifying a Heroku “buildpack,” which is a collection of scripts that gets run upon each deployment. We need to create a new Heroku application and define the Ember buildpack to build our app during the deployment process:

$ heroku create --buildpack https://codon-
      Creating app... done, ? salty-journey-31707
      Setting buildpack to
buildpacks/heroku/emberjs.tgz... done |

Deploying to Heroku

Deploying to the Heroku platform is a matter of pushing to the master branch of the remote called Heroku using following command:

git push heroku master

Our app is now live on Heroku:

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