Error Subroutes

Let’s talk about error subroutes and how to use them.

How error subroutes work

Error subroutes are activated when a model hook throws an error, either because the backend returned an error response or because the application code, itself, ran into a problem.

Error subroutes work exactly the same way as loading subroutes:

  • An error event is fired on the route where the error was produced.
  • The default behavior is to render an error template on the level of the route that triggered the error.
  • The entire Ember arsenal is at our disposal to implement a custom behavior. It is just a matter of implementing an action handler for the error action in the route.

It only takes a template to show an error message when loading a particular band does not work as it should. Let’s create another template:

ember g template bands/band/error

We can display a similar panel, as we did for the loading template, with colors that indicate something slightly bad has happened:

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