Deployment on Surge

In this lesson, you’ll learn to deploy your Ember application on Surge.

We'll cover the following


One of the simplest ways to make our Ember app live is using Surge, a platform for static sites. To facilitate using Surge, let’s install the ember-cli-surge add-on:

ember install ember-cli-surge

If you don’t yet have the surge npm package installed, install it with npm install -g surge.

Once the add-on is installed, log into Surge from your project’s directory using following command:

surge login

The installed add-on placed a CNAME file in the root of our app that contains the domain our app will be available on Surge.

By default, the domain is So, in this case, it’s Let’s set up the domain to point to surge, as described in the docs.

Then, we’ll need to modify the CNAME file to define the custom host:

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