Curly Braces Component Invocation

In this lesson, you’ll learn about the use of curly braces in Ember.js.

We'll cover the following

Component invocation

Up until 3.4, we could not invoke components using the angle-bracket invocation syntax we used throughout the course, like <StarRating ...>. Instead, we needed to use curly braces with the component’s name in its dasherized form.

Invoking the star-rating component with curly braces, aka. mustaches, looks like:

{{star-rating class="fr" rating=song.rating}}

Also, components that had to be callable with curlies, so all components prior to 3.4, needed to have a dash in their name.

Uses of curly braces

So, why would someone use the curly braces invocation? Two reasons:

  1. You have an Ember app before 3.4.
  2. You want to use positional parameters when invoking the component.

Positional parameters are passed as just values, not as a value assigned to a key. An example is the curly invocation of the link-to component we’ve been using throughout the app:

{{#link-to "" class="mt-4"}} 2 (...)
3 {{/link-to}

Here, "" and band are both positional parameters because they are not part of the params hash. Contrast this with:

<LinkTo @route="" @model={{}} class="mt-4">

Here, both parameters are named ones, @route and @model.

Angle-bracket invocation feels natural because it has the same syntax as HTML tags, but it doesn’t support positional parameters. I haven’t personally found that to be a nuisance, though.

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