Challenge: A Sublist with a Sum of 0

In this exercise, we will find a sublist whose sum turns out to be zero. Let's try it out!

Problem Statement #

You must implement the find_sub_zero(my_list) function which will take in a list of positive and negative integers. It will tell us if there exists a sublist in which the sum of all elements is zero. The term sublist implies that the elements whose sum is 0 must occur consecutively.

A list with these contents would return True:

[6, 4, -7, 3, 12, 9]

Whereas this would return False as the elements which sum up to be 0 do not appear together:

[-7, 4, 6, 3, 12, 9]

Input #

A list containing positive and negative integers.

Output #

Returns True if there exists a sublist with its sum equal to 0. Otherwise, the function returns False.

Sample Input #

my_list = [6, 4, -7, 3, 12, 9]

Sample Output #


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