HTML Basics and Tags

Here we will be discussing the basic HTML Tags. Adobe DreamWeaver CC latest version can be used for running or developing the examples taught in this course.


The elements (html, head, title, body) make up the core elements of a web page. These are the compulsory elements required in any webpage.

html - Paired Element (Marks the start and end of the web page.)

head - Paired Element. All the style sheets, scripts, meta information and title make up the head container element. You will find         

              tags <link>,<script>, <meta>, and <title> in this element.

title - Paired Element.  You can see information given in title as the title of your web page.

body - Paired Element. It contains all the contents of the HTML document like links, images, tables, lists, etc.

<title>Hello World</title>

Container Elements exist in pair and are shown in following example code. They are also known as inline elements.

<b> </b> bolds the text inside these tags.

<i> </i> Make the text written in italics

<u> </u> Make the text underlined


These elements exists as a single unit and donot exist in pair.

Examples of these tags are <br> , <hr>.

<br> acts as a new line feed.


These elements occupy the full width of a web page when used . They also exist in pair.

Examples are <div> </div>, <h1> <h1> etc

In the following example h1 makes the text as heading and the div tag occupy the full width applied color as red which is done by CSS will discuss in the upcoming lessons how it works.


These attributes are available in every element

id - used with css and javascript

tittle - shows text on mouse over

class - used with css

style - used with css