1.11 Reusable TeslaCounter Component

Tesla’s speed and external temperature controls should be reusable components, so I’ll make them a generic Counter component that allows for other metadata such as step, minimum, maximum, and title and units (mph / degrees).

Also, unlike the components we have created so far, we need an action to change the state value in response to user input (button click, checkbox selection, etc.). Let’s look at how to handle events that occur in a subcomponent.

Create the src/components/TeslaCounter directory as before, create a TeslaCounter.js file in it, and enter the following code:

Press + to interact
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'react';
import './TeslaCounter.css';
const TeslaCounter = (props) => (
<div className="tesla-counter">
<p className="tesla-counter__title">{props.initValues.title}</p>
<div className="tesla-counter__container cf">
<div className="tesla-counter__item">
<p className="tesla-counter__number">
{ props.currentValue }
<span>{ props.initValues.unit }</span>
<div className="tesla-counter__controls">
onClick={(e) => props.increment(e, props.initValues.title)}
disabled={props.currentValue >= props.initValues.max}
onClick={(e) => props.decrement(e, props.initValues.title)}
disabled={props.currentValue <= props.initValues.min}
TeslaCounter.propTypes = {
currentValue: PropTypes.number,
increment: PropTypes.func,
decrement: PropTypes.func,
initValues: PropTypes.object
export default TeslaCounter;

Let’s think about what we want here. Each time you click and change the speed and temperature, you must update the state so that the value is reflected between the maximum and minimum values.

Since the component only needs to update its own state, TeslaBattery passes the callback (increment, decrement) to the TeslaCounter each time it needs to update its state. You can use the onClick event on a button to notify the event. The callback passed by TeslaBattery calls setState() and the app is updated.

We will implement a callback that will be passed by TeslaBattery in a few moments.

1.11.1 TeslaCounter Component Style

Let’s implement the style first. Create a TeslaCounter.css file in the src/components/TeslaCounter directory and specify the following styles. Since the code is long and omitted here, let’s check the source code

Press + to interact
.tesla-counter {
float: left;
width: 230px;
.tesla-counter__title {
letter-spacing: 2px;
font-size: 16px;

1.11.2 Import TeslaCounter Component in TeslaBattery Container

Now, we will implement callback in TeslaBattery and pass it to the TeslaCounter component.

First, add import to use the TeslaCounter component in TeslaBattery.js.

We also implement the callback functions increment() and decrement(), and the internal function updateCounterState() and bind it in the constructor. Then pass the callback function to the TeslaCounter component with props.

Press + to interact
constructor(props) {
this.calculateStats = this.calculateStats.bind(this);
this.statsUpdate = this.statsUpdate.bind(this);
this.increment = this.increment.bind(this);
this.decrement = this.decrement.bind(this);
this.updateCounterState = this.updateCounterState.bind(this);
this.state = {
carstats: [],
config: {
speed: 55,
temperature: 20,
climate: true,
wheels: 19
updateCounterState(title, newValue) {
const config = { ...this.state.config };
// update config state with new value
title === 'Speed' ? config['speed'] = newValue : config['temperature'] = newValue;
// update our state
this.setState({ config });
increment(e, title) {
let currentValue, maxValue, step;
const { speed, temperature } = this.props.counterDefaultVal;
if (title === 'Speed') {
currentValue = this.state.config.speed;
maxValue = speed.max;
step = speed.step;
} else {
currentValue = this.state.config.temperature;
maxValue = temperature.max;
step = temperature.step;
if (currentValue < maxValue) {
const newValue = currentValue + step;
this.updateCounterState(title, newValue);
decrement(e, title) {
let currentValue, minValue, step;
const { speed, temperature } = this.props.counterDefaultVal;
if (title === 'Speed') {
currentValue = this.state.config.speed;
minValue = speed.min;
step = speed.step;
} else {
currentValue = this.state.config.temperature;
minValue = temperature.min;
step = temperature.step;
if (currentValue > minValue) {
const newValue = currentValue - step;
this.updateCounterState(title, newValue);
render() {
return (
<form className="tesla-battery">
<h1>Range Per Charge</h1>
<TeslaCar wheelsize={config.wheels} />
<TeslaStats carstats={carstats} />
<div className="tesla-controls cf">
<div className="tesla-climate-container cf">
<TeslaNotice />

1.11.3 TeslaBattery Container Style

An additional style is required for TeslaBattery as soon as the TeslaCounter component is added. Open the TeslaBattery.css file and add the following:

Press + to interact
.tesla-climate-container {
float: left;
width: 420px;
padding: 0 40px;
margin: 0 40px 0 0;
border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
.tesla-controls {
display: block;
width: 100%;

1.11.4 Default Value Props

Here, initValues passed to TeslaCounter is a constant value and is passed from App which is a parent component of TeslaBattery.

Open App.js and pass the counterDefaultVal object to the TeslaBattery component as follows:

Press + to interact
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Header from './components/Header/Header';
import TeslaBattery from './containers/TeslaBattery';
const counterDefaultVal = {
speed: {
title: "Speed",
unit: "mph",
step: 5,
min: 45,
max: 70
temperature: {
title: "Outside Temperature",
unit: "°",
step: 10,
min: -10,
max: 40
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Header />
<TeslaBattery counterDefaultVal={counterDefaultVal}/>
export default App;

Now, when you click Speed and Temperature, you can see that the changed values are updated and re-rendered in the state object through the React Developer Tool.

export function getModelData() {
    return {
      '60': {
        19: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 224,
                '0': 255,
                '10': 287,
                '20': 289,
                '30': 287,
                '40': 258
              50: {
                '-10': 211,
                '0': 238,
                '10': 264,
                '20': 267,
                '30': 267,
                '40': 244
              55: {
                '-10': 198,
                '0': 221,
                '10': 242,
                '20': 246,
                '30': 245,
                '40': 228
              60: {
                '-10': 184,
                '0': 204,
                '10': 222,
                '20': 225,
                '30': 226,
                '40': 212
              65: {
                '-10': 170,
                '0': 187,
                '10': 202,
                '20': 206,
                '30': 208,
                '40': 195
              70: {
                '-10': 156,
                '0': 172,
                '10': 185,
                '20': 189,
                '30': 190,
                '40': 179
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 297,
                '0': 312,
                '10': 318,
                '20': 325,
                '30': 329,
                '40': 333
              50: {
                '-10': 269,
                '0': 283,
                '10': 288,
                '20': 294,
                '30': 298,
                '40': 304
              55: {
                '-10': 245,
                '0': 256,
                '10': 261,
                '20': 267,
                '30': 269,
                '40': 277
              60: {
                '-10': 221,
                '0': 231,
                '10': 236,
                '20': 242,
                '30': 243,
                '40': 252
              65: {
                '-10': 200,
                '0': 209,
                '10': 214,
                '20': 219,
                '30': 222,
                '40': 230
              70: {
                '-10': 181,
                '0': 189,
                '10': 194,
                '20': 199,
                '30': 202,
                '40': 209
        21: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 220,
                '0': 251,
                '10': 283,
                '20': 285,
                '30': 282,
                '40': 284
              50: {
                '-10': 208,
                '0': 234,
                '10': 260,
                '20': 262,
                '30': 262,
                '40': 240
              55: {
                '-10': 194,
                '0': 216,
                '10': 238,
                '20': 241,
                '30': 240,
                '40': 224
              60: {
                '-10': 180,
                '0': 199,
                '10': 217,
                '20': 220,
                '30': 221,
                '40': 208
              65: {
                '-10': 166,
                '0': 183,
                '10': 198,
                '20': 202,
                '30': 203,
                '40': 191
              70: {
                '-10': 152,
                '0': 167,
                '10': 180,
                '20': 184,
                '30': 185,
                '40': 174
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 292,
                '0': 307,
                '10': 314,
                '20': 320,
                '30': 324,
                '40': 328
              50: {
                '-10': 265,
                '0': 278,
                '10': 283,
                '20': 289,
                '30': 293,
                '40': 298
              55: {
                '-10': 240,
                '0': 251,
                '10': 256,
                '20': 261,
                '30': 264,
                '40': 272
              60: {
                '-10': 217,
                '0': 226,
                '10': 231,
                '20': 236,
                '30': 238,
                '40': 247
              65: {
                '-10': 196,
                '0': 204,
                '10': 209,
                '20': 214,
                '30': 217,
                '40': 225
              70: {
                '-10': 177,
                '0': 184,
                '10': 189,
                '20': 194,
                '30': 197,
                '40': 204
      '60D': {
        19: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 227,
                '0': 258,
                '10': 291,
                '20': 293,
                '30': 292,
                '40': 264
              50: {
                '-10': 215,
                '0': 242,
                '10': 269,
                '20': 271,
                '30': 272,
                '40': 250
              55: {
                '-10': 201,
                '0': 224,
                '10': 247,
                '20': 250,
                '30': 251,
                '40': 235
              60: {
                '-10': 187,
                '0': 207,
                '10': 226,
                '20': 229,
                '30': 232,
                '40': 217
              65: {
                '-10': 172,
                '0': 191,
                '10': 207,
                '20': 211,
                '30': 213,
                '40': 201
              70: {
                '-10': 158,
                '0': 175,
                '10': 189,
                '20': 193,
                '30': 195,
                '40': 185
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 301,
                '0': 317,
                '10': 323,
                '20': 330,
                '30': 336,
                '40': 339
              50: {
                '-10': 275,
                '0': 288,
                '10': 294,
                '20': 301,
                '30': 306,
                '40': 311
              55: {
                '-10': 249,
                '0': 260,
                '10': 266,
                '20': 273,
                '30': 278,
                '40': 283
              60: {
                '-10': 225,
                '0': 236,
                '10': 241,
                '20': 248,
                '30': 251,
                '40': 258
              65: {
                '-10': 204,
                '0': 214,
                '10': 219,
                '20': 225,
                '30': 229,
                '40': 236
              70: {
                '-10': 184,
                '0': 193,
                '10': 198,
                '20': 205,
                '30': 207,
                '40': 215
        21: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 223,
                '0': 255,
                '10': 287,
                '20': 289,
                '30': 288,
                '40': 260
              50: {
                '-10': 211,
                '0': 238,
                '10': 264,
                '20': 267,
                '30': 267,
                '40': 246
              55: {
                '-10': 197,
                '0': 220,
                '10': 242,
                '20': 246,
                '30': 246,
                '40': 230
              60: {
                '-10': 183,
                '0': 203,
                '10': 221,
                '20': 225,
                '30': 227,
                '40': 212
              65: {
                '-10': 168,
                '0': 186,
                '10': 202,
                '20': 206,
                '30': 208,
                '40': 196
              70: {
                '-10': 155,
                '0': 171,
                '10': 184,
                '20': 188,
                '30': 190,
                '40': 181
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 297,
                '0': 312,
                '10': 319,
                '20': 326,
                '30': 331,
                '40': 335
              50: {
                '-10': 270,
                '0': 283,
                '10': 289,
                '20': 296,
                '30': 301,
                '40': 306
              55: {
                '-10': 244,
                '0': 256,
                '10': 261,
                '20': 268,
                '30': 272,
                '40': 278
              60: {
                '-10': 221,
                '0': 231,
                '10': 236,
                '20': 242,
                '30': 246,
                '40': 253
              65: {
                '-10': 199,
                '0': 209,
                '10': 214,
                '20': 220,
                '30': 223,
                '40': 231
              70: {
                '-10': 180,
                '0': 188,
                '10': 193,
                '20': 200,
                '30': 202,
                '40': 210
      '75': {
        19: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 271,
                '0': 309,
                '10': 347,
                '20': 350,
                '30': 347,
                '40': 312
              50: {
                '-10': 256,
                '0': 288,
                '10': 320,
                '20': 323,
                '30': 323,
                '40': 295
              55: {
                '-10': 240,
                '0': 267,
                '10': 293,
                '20': 297,
                '30': 297,
                '40': 276
              60: {
                '-10': 222,
                '0': 246,
                '10': 268,
                '20': 272,
                '30': 273,
                '40': 257
              65: {
                '-10': 205,
                '0': 227,
                '10': 245,
                '20': 250,
                '30': 252,
                '40': 236
              70: {
                '-10': 189,
                '0': 206,
                '10': 224,
                '20': 228,
                '30': 230,
                '40': 216
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 359,
                '0': 377,
                '10': 385,
                '20': 393,
                '30': 398,
                '40': 403
              50: {
                '-10': 326,
                '0': 342,
                '10': 349,
                '20': 356,
                '30': 360,
                '40': 368
              55: {
                '-10': 296,
                '0': 309,
                '10': 316,
                '20': 323,
                '30': 326,
                '40': 335
              60: {
                '-10': 268,
                '0': 280,
                '10': 286,
                '20': 292,
                '30': 295,
                '40': 305
              65: {
                '-10': 242,
                '0': 253,
                '10': 259,
                '20': 265,
                '30': 268,
                '40': 278
              70: {
                '-10': 219,
                '0': 229,
                '10': 234,
                '20': 241,
                '30': 244,
                '40': 253
        21: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 267,
                '0': 304,
                '10': 342,
                '20': 344,
                '30': 342,
                '40': 308
              50: {
                '-10': 251,
                '0': 283,
                '10': 314,
                '20': 317,
                '30': 317,
                '40': 290
              55: {
                '-10': 235,
                '0': 262,
                '10': 287,
                '20': 291,
                '30': 291,
                '40': 271
              60: {
                '-10': 218,
                '0': 241,
                '10': 262,
                '20': 266,
                '30': 267,
                '40': 251
              65: {
                '-10': 201,
                '0': 222,
                '10': 239,
                '20': 244,
                '30': 246,
                '40': 231
              70: {
                '-10': 184,
                '0': 203,
                '10': 218,
                '20': 223,
                '30': 224,
                '40': 211
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 353,
                '0': 372,
                '10': 279,
                '20': 387,
                '30': 392,
                '40': 397
              50: {
                '-10': 320,
                '0': 336,
                '10': 343,
                '20': 350,
                '30': 354,
                '40': 361
              55: {
                '-10': 290,
                '0': 303,
                '10': 309,
                '20': 316,
                '30': 319,
                '40': 329
              60: {
                '-10': 262,
                '0': 274,
                '10': 279,
                '20': 286,
                '30': 288,
                '40': 299
              65: {
                '-10': 237,
                '0': 247,
                '10': 253,
                '20': 259,
                '30': 262,
                '40': 272
              70: {
                '-10': 214,
                '0': 223,
                '10': 229,
                '20': 235,
                '30': 238,
                '40': 247
      '75D': {
        19: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 227,
                '0': 316,
                '10': 356,
                '20': 358,
                '30': 357,
                '40': 323
              50: {
                '-10': 262,
                '0': 296,
                '10': 328,
                '20': 332,
                '30': 332,
                '40': 305
              55: {
                '-10': 246,
                '0': 274,
                '10': 302,
                '20': 306,
                '30': 307,
                '40': 287
              60: {
                '-10': 228,
                '0': 253,
                '10': 276,
                '20': 280,
                '30': 283,
                '40': 265
              65: {
                '-10': 211,
                '0': 233,
                '10': 253,
                '20': 257,
                '30': 260,
                '40': 246
              70: {
                '-10': 194,
                '0': 214,
                '10': 231,
                '20': 236,
                '30': 238,
                '40': 226
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 368,
                '0': 387,
                '10': 395,
                '20': 404,
                '30': 410,
                '40': 415
              50: {
                '-10': 335,
                '0': 351,
                '10': 359,
                '20': 367,
                '30': 374,
                '40': 380
              55: {
                '-10': 304,
                '0': 318,
                '10': 325,
                '20': 334,
                '30': 339,
                '40': 346
              60: {
                '-10': 275,
                '0': 288,
                '10': 294,
                '20': 303,
                '30': 307,
                '40': 316
              65: {
                '-10': 249,
                '0': 261,
                '10': 267,
                '20': 275,
                '30': 279,
                '40': 289
              70: {
                '-10': 225,
                '0': 236,
                '10': 242,
                '20': 250,
                '30': 253,
                '40': 263
        21: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 273,
                '0': 311,
                '10': 351,
                '20': 354,
                '30': 352,
                '40': 318
              50: {
                '-10': 258,
                '0': 291,
                '10': 323,
                '20': 326,
                '30': 327,
                '40': 300
              55: {
                '-10': 241,
                '0': 269,
                '10': 296,
                '20': 300,
                '30': 301,
                '40': 281
              60: {
                '-10': 223,
                '0': 248,
                '10': 270,
                '20': 275,
                '30': 277,
                '40': 259
              65: {
                '-10': 206,
                '0': 228,
                '10': 247,
                '20': 252,
                '30': 254,
                '40': 240
              70: {
                '-10': 189,
                '0': 209,
                '10': 225,
                '20': 230,
                '30': 232,
                '40': 221
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 363,
                '0': 382,
                '10': 390,
                '20': 398,
                '30': 405,
                '40': 409
              50: {
                '-10': 330,
                '0': 346,
                '10': 353,
                '20': 361,
                '30': 368,
                '40': 373
              55: {
                '-10': 299,
                '0': 312,
                '10': 319,
                '20': 327,
                '30': 333,
                '40': 340
              60: {
                '-10': 270,
                '0': 282,
                '10': 288,
                '20': 296,
                '30': 301,
                '40': 309
              65: {
                '-10': 244,
                '0': 255,
                '10': 261,
                '20': 269,
                '30': 273,
                '40': 282
              70: {
                '-10': 219,
                '0': 230,
                '10': 236,
                '20': 244,
                '30': 247,
                '40': 257
      '90D': {
        19: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 308,
                '0': 349,
                '10': 392,
                '20': 394,
                '30': 392,
                '40': 357
              50: {
                '-10': 292,
                '0': 326,
                '10': 362,
                '20': 365,
                '30': 365,
                '40': 338
              55: {
                '-10': 273,
                '0': 303,
                '10': 332,
                '20': 336,
                '30': 337,
                '40': 317
              60: {
                '-10': 254,
                '0': 280,
                '10': 305,
                '20': 308,
                '30': 310,
                '40': 293
              65: {
                '-10': 235,
                '0': 258,
                '10': 279,
                '20': 283,
                '30': 285,
                '40': 273
              70: {
                '-10': 216,
                '0': 238,
                '10': 256,
                '20': 260,
                '30': 263,
                '40': 253
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 406,
                '0': 426,
                '10': 434,
                '20': 443,
                '30': 451,
                '40': 455
              50: {
                '-10': 370,
                '0': 386,
                '10': 394,
                '20': 403,
                '30': 412,
                '40': 416
              55: {
                '-10': 336,
                '0': 350,
                '10': 358,
                '20': 366,
                '30': 274,
                '40': 380
              60: {
                '-10': 304,
                '0': 317,
                '10': 324,
                '20': 332,
                '30': 338,
                '40': 347
              65: {
                '-10': 276,
                '0': 288,
                '10': 295,
                '20': 302,
                '30': 308,
                '40': 317
              70: {
                '-10': 250,
                '0': 261,
                '10': 268,
                '20': 275,
                '30': 279,
                '40': 290
        21: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 304,
                '0': 345,
                '10': 386,
                '20': 388,
                '30': 387,
                '40': 352
              50: {
                '-10': 287,
                '0': 321,
                '10': 356,
                '20': 359,
                '30': 360,
                '40': 332
              55: {
                '-10': 268,
                '0': 297,
                '10': 326,
                '20': 330,
                '30': 330,
                '40': 311
              60: {
                '-10': 249,
                '0': 274,
                '10': 299,
                '20': 302,
                '30': 303,
                '40': 287
              65: {
                '-10': 230,
                '0': 253,
                '10': 273,
                '20': 277,
                '30': 279,
                '40': 267
              70: {
                '-10': 211,
                '0': 232,
                '10': 250,
                '20': 254,
                '30': 257,
                '40': 247
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 401,
                '0': 420,
                '10': 428,
                '20': 437,
                '30': 446,
                '40': 449
              50: {
                '-10': 364,
                '0': 380,
                '10': 388,
                '20': 397,
                '30': 405,
                '40': 410
              55: {
                '-10': 330,
                '0': 344,
                '10': 351,
                '20': 359,
                '30': 367,
                '40': 373
              60: {
                '-10': 298,
                '0': 311,
                '10': 318,
                '20': 325,
                '30': 331,
                '40': 340
              65: {
                '-10': 270,
                '0': 282,
                '10': 288,
                '20': 296,
                '30': 301,
                '40': 310
              70: {
                '-10': 244,
                '0': 255,
                '10': 262,
                '20': 269,
                '30': 273,
                '40': 284
      'P100D': {
        19: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 341,
                '0': 390,
                '10': 439,
                '20': 442,
                '30': 440,
                '40': 401
              50: {
                '-10': 323,
                '0': 365,
                '10': 405,
                '20': 409,
                '30': 410,
                '40': 380
              55: {
                '-10': 303,
                '0': 339,
                '10': 372,
                '20': 376,
                '30': 379,
                '40': 353
              60: {
                '-10': 282,
                '0': 313,
                '10': 341,
                '20': 345,
                '30': 347,
                '40': 329
              65: {
                '-10': 261,
                '0': 289,
                '10': 312,
                '20': 317,
                '30': 318,
                '40': 306
              70: {
                '-10': 240,
                '0': 265,
                '10': 285,
                '20': 290,
                '30': 293,
                '40': 283
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 447,
                '0': 474,
                '10': 485,
                '20': 496,
                '30': 505,
                '40': 509
              50: {
                '-10': 408,
                '0': 431,
                '10': 441,
                '20': 451,
                '30': 461,
                '40': 466
              55: {
                '-10': 372,
                '0': 391,
                '10': 400,
                '20': 409,
                '30': 419,
                '40': 425
              60: {
                '-10': 337,
                '0': 354,
                '10': 362,
                '20': 371,
                '30': 377,
                '40': 388
              65: {
                '-10': 306,
                '0': 321,
                '10': 329,
                '20': 337,
                '30': 341,
                '40': 354
              70: {
                '-10': 277,
                '0': 291,
                '10': 299,
                '20': 307,
                '30': 311,
                '40': 323
        21: {
          on: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 322,
                '0': 369,
                '10': 414,
                '20': 417,
                '30': 416,
                '40': 379
              50: {
                '-10': 306,
                '0': 347,
                '10': 384,
                '20': 388,
                '30': 389,
                '40': 360
              55: {
                '-10': 228,
                '0': 323,
                '10': 354,
                '20': 358,
                '30': 360,
                '40': 336
              60: {
                '-10': 269,
                '0': 299,
                '10': 325,
                '20': 329,
                '30': 331,
                '40': 313
              65: {
                '-10': 250,
                '0': 276,
                '10': 299,
                '20': 303,
                '30': 305,
                '40': 292
              70: {
                '-10': 230,
                '0': 254,
                '10': 273,
                '20': 278,
                '30': 281,
                '40': 271
          off: {
            speed: {
              45: {
                '-10': 422,
                '0': 447,
                '10': 458,
                '20': 468,
                '30': 477,
                '40': 481
              50: {
                '-10': 387,
                '0': 409,
                '10': 418,
                '20': 428,
                '30': 437,
                '40': 442
              55: {
                '-10': 353,
                '0': 372,
                '10': 380,
                '20': 389,
                '30': 398,
                '40': 404
              60: {
                '-10': 322,
                '0': 338,
                '10': 345,
                '20': 354,
                '30': 359,
                '40': 370
              65: {
                '-10': 293,
                '0': 307,
                '10': 315,
                '20': 323,
                '30': 326,
                '40': 339
              70: {
                '-10': 265,
                '0': 279,
                '10': 286,
                '20': 294,
                '30': 298,
                '40': 310

1.11.5 Virtual DOM

What a single-page application can give us is a seamless user experience and smooth interaction.

In our app, car model values are updated without having to reload the entire page every time the user changes speed or temperature. Even if you need to connect to the server to get the data. To provide this user experience, you need to know which part of the DOM you need to update when changes or interactions occur.

Each JavaScript framework uses a different strategy: Ember uses data-binding, Angular1 uses dirty checking, and React uses Virtual DOM.

In React, the first time the component’s rendering method is called, it prints a virtual DOM model, rather than the actual DOM element itself. The virtual DOM is a JavaScript data structure that represents the appearance of DOM. React then takes this model and creates the actual DOM element.

Then, whenever the component’s state changes (eg, setState is called), the rendering method of the component is called and a new virtual DOM is created, and this new virtual DOM is replaced with the previous virtual DOM. The result of this comparison is to show the actual DOM changes and the DOM will be ‘patched’ with the changes and the screen will change.

The car model information does not change yet as the speed and temperature change. This will eventually be implemented later.