2.3 Data flow in Redux

As you saw in the part 1, in React, the data is passed through the component using props. This is called unidirectional data flow that flows from parent to child.

Due to these characteristics, communication between components other than parent-child relationship is not clear.


React does not recommend direct component-to-componentcommunication as shown above. There is a suggested way for this in React, but you have to implement it yourself.

According to React docs:

For communication between two components that don’t have a parent-child relationship, you can set up your own global event system. … Flux pattern is one of the possible ways to arrange this.


This is where Redux comes in handy.

Redux provides a solution for managing all application state in a single place called a store.

The component then dispatches the state change to the store instead of passing it directly to the other components

The components that need to be aware of state changes can subscribe to the store.

Redux is, in a word, a state container that represents and manages the state of an app as a single object from a JavaScript-based application.