2.1 Introduction

This tutorial is the second part of building Tesla’s battery range calculator with React.

In part 1, after constructing the project through create-react-app, we implemented each component by subdividing the UI. We managed the state and event using local state and props, and completed the entire app.

If you haven’t read it yet, be sure to check out Part 1, which focuses on React, here:

Building Tesla’s Battery Range Calculator with React (Part 1)
In this series of articles, I will walk you through the process of building Tesla’s battery range calculator with React…

In this installment, we’ll introduce Redux, a state management solution, to see how we can transform our application into an application that manages the state of the app with Redux.

This is the final image of our application in part 2:


🚀 Check out the part 2 live demo.

Before we take a look into what Redux is, let’s see why we need to use Redux to solve problems.