
Learn to use RandAugment for training in the Pytorch Image Model framework.

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The Pytorch Image Model framework provides another useful augmentation class called RandAugment. As the name implies, it performs random augmentations on the image datasets.

The RandAugment class

Here’s a list of image transformations in the RandAugment class:

Transformation Description
Invert Invert the colors of the input image.
AutoContrast Maximize the contrast of the input image by remapping its pixels per channel.
Equalize Equalize the histogram of the input image.
Rotate Rotate the input image by a certain angle.
Solarize Solarize the input image by inverting all pixel values above a threshold.
Color Colorize the input greyscale image.
Posterize Reduce the number of bits for each color channel of the input image.
Contrast Adjust the contrast of the input image.
Brightness Adjust the brightness of the input image.
Sharpness Adjust the sharpness of the input image.
ShearX Slant the input image in the x-direction.
ShearY Slant the input image in the y-direction.
TranslateX Slide the input image in the x-direction.
TranslateY Slide the input image in the y-direction.

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