HTTPS: Add an HTTPS Endpoint
- Migrate our endpoint from HTTP to HTTPS.
- Add an HTTPS endpoint.
Adding the HTTPS endpoint #
We will now update our
script to retrieve the certificate ARN. This should go at the top of the script, and depends on the DOMAIN
environment variable.
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DOMAIN=the-good-parts.comCERT=`aws acm list-certificates --region $REGION --profile awsbootstrap --output text \--query "CertificateSummaryList[?DomainName=='$DOMAIN'].CertificateArn | [0]"`
Line #3: Newly added environment variable holding our certificate.
We then have to pass the certificate ARN as a parameter to main.yml
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# Deploy the CloudFormation templateecho -e "\n\n=========== Deploying main.yml ==========="aws cloudformation deploy \--region $REGION \--profile $CLI_PROFILE \--stack-name $STACK_NAME \--template-file ./cfn_output/main.yml \--no-fail-on-empty-changeset \--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \--parameter-overrides \EC2InstanceType=$EC2_INSTANCE_TYPE \Domain=$DOMAIN \Certificate=$CERT \GitHubOwner=$GH_OWNER \GitHubRepo=$GH_REPO \GitHubBranch=$GH_BRANCH \GitHubPersonalAccessToken=$GH_ACCESS_TOKEN \CodePipelineBucket=$CODEPIPELINE_BUCKET
Line #13: The certificate ARN.
We also have to add this as a parameter in the main.yml
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