Coding Exercise on Class Activation Maps

Complete this coding exercise on class activation maps and the implementation of Ablation-CAM.

Ablation CAM: Gradient-free approach to GradCAM

Grad-CAM suffers from the problem of gradient saturation, which causes the backpropagated gradients to diminish and, therefore, adversely affects the quality of visualizations. Ablation-CAM is a gradient-free approach to GradCAM that avoids using gradients and, at the same time, produces high-quality CAMs.

Overview of GradCAM

Let’s assume that FlRh×w\mathcal{F}_l \in \R^{h \times w} is the lthl^{th} feature map obtained from the penultimate convolutional layer (hh and ww are the height and width of the feature map) and Fl(i,j)\mathcal{F}_l(i,j) represents the activation of the (i,j)th(i,j)^{th} ...

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