Memoized Fibonacci
We'll add yet another tool to our toolbelt in this lesson. We'll learn memoization, a technique of storing data that has already been computed for later use.
We’ll start with the simple version and create the advanced version further down.
Write a function that will take a positive integer n and return an array of length n containing the Fibonacci sequence.
Input: Integer > 0
Output: Array of Numbers
fibonacci(4); // -> [1, 1, 2, 3]
fibonacci(6); // -> [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
fibonacci(8); // -> [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21]
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function fibonacci(n) {// Your code here}
Solution 1
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function fibonacci(n) {const seq = [1, 1];if(n < 2) {return seq.slice(0, n);}while(seq.length < n) {const lastItem = seq[seq.length - 1];const secondLastItem = seq[seq.length - 2];seq.push(lastItem + secondLastItem);}return seq;}
How it Works
We store the sequence in seq
. In the loop, we add up the previous two values in the array and push the sum into the array. We run the loop until we have the array length we want.
Time complexity is: ...
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