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Pandas Brain Teasers
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Course Structure
Puzzle 1: Rectified
Relational Operators with Pandas Series
Puzzle 2: In or Out?
Access Elements of Pandas Series
Puzzle 3: Month by Month
Read CSV Data into Pandas DataFrames
Puzzle 4: Round and Round We Go
The round() Function with a Pandas Series
Puzzle 5: Who's in Rick's Garage?
The lower() Method with Pandas Series
Puzzle 6: All Full
The all() Method with Pandas Series
Puzzle 7: Div Sum
The sum() Method with Pandas Series
Puzzle 8: Once Upon a Time
Compare naive and tz-aware Values
Puzzle 9: A Hefty Bonus
Add the Values of a Pandas Series
Puzzle 10: Free Range
Relational and Logical Operators with Pandas Series
Puzzle 11: fillna()? Phil? Nah!
fillna() with Pandas Series
Puzzle 12: Multiplying
Multiplying Values of Pandas Series
Puzzle 13: A 10% Discount
Access and Modify DataFrames Values
Puzzle 14: A Tale of One City
Call Functions on Pandas DataFrames Values
Puzzle 15: Free-Range
Print the Length of DataFrames at a Specified Location
Puzzle 16: Y3K
Create a Pandas Timestamp Object
Puzzle 17: Not My Type
Concatenate Values of Two DataFrames
Puzzle 18: Off with Their NaNs
Logical Operators with Pandas Series
Puzzle 19: Holding Out for a Hero
Find Values in a Pandas Series
Puzzle 20: It's a Date!
Create a Pandas Timestamp and date_range Object
Puzzle 21: What's the Points?
Export Pandas DataFrame to CSV Format
Puzzle 22: Quick, Find a Phone Booth!
Merge the Values of Two DataFrames
Puzzle 23: Chain of Commands
Implicit Line Joining
Puzzle 24: Late Addition
Insert Columns into a Pandas DataFrame
Puzzle 25: Hit and Run
Read an SQLite File
Wrapping Up
Puzzle 24: Late Addition
Let's solve a pandas DataFrame puzzle with columns.
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