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Pandas Brain Teasers

Explore puzzles designed to enhance your critical thinking and problem-solving skills using pandas. Gain insights into common pitfalls and sharpen your data manipulation techniques.
Explore puzzles designed to enhance your critical thinking and problem-solving skills using pandas. Gain insights into common pitfalls and sharpen your data manipulation techniques.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

53 Lessons
43 Playgrounds
25 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Puzzles are a great way to practice your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This course assumes a basic understanding of pandas. The teasers and puzzles in this course are designed to help you practice what you already know and help avoid future mistakes.
Puzzles are a great way to practice your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This course assumes a basic understanding...Show More



Python Basics

Python Programming

What You'll Learn

Have a deep dive into Python pandas concepts.
Test your knowledge about pandas with the help of riddles.
Learn the inside tricks of pandas with the help of puzzles.
Learn to use pandas in the pythonic style.
Learn the principles of Zen of python for pandas library instructions.
Learn how to avoid common mistakes in pandas.
Have a deep dive into Python pandas concepts.

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Course Content


Before We Begin

2 Lessons

Get familiar with common pandas mistakes through engaging brain teasers and practical insights.



50 Lessons

Solve coding puzzles and explore advanced Pandas functionalities like relational operators, data manipulation, and datetime handling.
Puzzle 1: Rectified
Relational Operators with Pandas Series
Puzzle 2: In or Out?
Access Elements of Pandas Series
Puzzle 3: Month by Month
Read CSV Data into Pandas DataFrames
Puzzle 4: Round and Round We Go
The round() Function with a Pandas Series
Puzzle 5: Who's in Rick's Garage?
The lower() Method with Pandas Series
Puzzle 6: All Full
The all() Method with Pandas Series
Puzzle 7: Div Sum
The sum() Method with Pandas Series
Puzzle 8: Once Upon a Time
Compare naive and tz-aware Values
Puzzle 9: A Hefty Bonus
Add the Values of a Pandas Series
Puzzle 10: Free Range
Relational and Logical Operators with Pandas Series
Puzzle 11: fillna()? Phil? Nah!
fillna() with Pandas Series
Puzzle 12: Multiplying
Multiplying Values of Pandas Series
Puzzle 13: A 10% Discount
Access and Modify DataFrames Values
Puzzle 14: A Tale of One City
Call Functions on Pandas DataFrames Values
Puzzle 15: Free-Range
Print the Length of DataFrames at a Specified Location
Puzzle 16: Y3K
Create a Pandas Timestamp Object
Puzzle 17: Not My Type
Concatenate Values of Two DataFrames
Puzzle 18: Off with Their NaNs
Logical Operators with Pandas Series
Puzzle 19: Holding Out for a Hero
Find Values in a Pandas Series
Puzzle 20: It's a Date!
Create a Pandas Timestamp and date_range Object
Puzzle 21: What's the Points?
Export Pandas DataFrame to CSV Format
Puzzle 22: Quick, Find a Phone Booth!
Merge the Values of Two DataFrames
Puzzle 23: Chain of Commands
Implicit Line Joining
Puzzle 24: Late Addition
Insert Columns into a Pandas DataFrame
Puzzle 25: Hit and Run
Read an SQLite File


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Examine your enhanced understanding of pandas, improved through structured brain teasers.

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