Building the Context Menu System

Looking back at our description of what a “context menu” is, we said that it needs to be absolutely positioned on the screen. We can put together a generic component to help render something at an absolute position.

Commit fdd8ba0: Add an AbsolutePosition component


import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";

const AbsolutePosition = (props) => {
    const {children, nodeRef} = props;
    const style = {
        position: 'absolute',
        bottom : props.bottom,
        left: props.left,
        right : props.right,
        width: props.width,

    return (
        <div style={style} className={props.className} ref={nodeRef}>

AbsolutePosition.propTypes = {
    top: PropTypes.number,
    bottom : PropTypes.number,
    left: PropTypes.number,
    width: PropTypes.number,
    nodeRef : PropTypes.func,

export default AbsolutePosition;

All we really do here is set a div's style to position : "absolute", apply the provided positions, and insert the children inside the div. The only slightly unusual thing here is that we’re taking a prop called nodeRef, and passing it down as a callback ref to the div. We’ll see why that matters in a minute.

Now for the actual context menu behavior. First, we’ll add the react-portal library to our app:

Commit 1602441: Add the React-Portal library

Then, we’ll implement the core of our context menu functionality, very similar to how we built the ModalManager component and reducer logic earlier.

Commit 5c3a3d9: Implement core context menu handling logic


import {createReducer} from "common/utils/reducerUtils";

import {
} from "./contextMenuConstants";

const contextMenuInitialState = {
    show : false,
    location : {
        x : null,
        y : null,
    type : null,
    menuArgs : undefined,

function showContextMenu(state, payload) {
    return {
        show : true,

function hideContextMenu(state, payload) {
    return {

export default createReducer(contextMenuInitialState, {
    [CONTEXT_MENU_SHOW] : showContextMenu,
    [CONTEXT_MENU_HIDE] : hideContextMenu

Our contextMenuReducer is fairly similar to the first iteration of the modal reducer. I probably could have done almost the same thing, where null represents no context menu and a valid object represents actually showing a menu, but wound up implementing this a bit differently in a couple ways. (Not entirely sure why, either, but I did :) )

We’re going to track a show flag that indicates whether we’re showing a menu, and type and menuArgs represent the same concepts as with our modals. We also need to track the location on screen where the menu should be positioned.


import React, {Component} from "react";
import {connect} from "react-redux";

import AbsolutePosition from "common/components/AbsolutePosition";

import {hideContextMenu} from "./contextMenuActions";

const actions = {hideContextMenu};

export class ContextMenu extends Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        document.addEventListener('click', this.handleClickOutside, true);

    componentWillUnmount() {
        document.removeEventListener('click', this.handleClickOutside, true);

    handleClickOutside = (e) => {
        if (!this.node || !this.node.contains( ) {

    render() {
        const {location} = this.props;

        return (
                left={location.x + 2}
                nodeRef={node => this.node = node}

export default connect(null, actions)(ContextMenu);

Next up we have a generic wrapper component for context menus. This component takes care of listening for clicks outside the menu and calling a close function, as well as using an <AbsolutePosition> component to put the menu in the right spot. Note that we offset the x coordinate by a couple pixels just to have the menu appear slightly offset from underneath the cursor. Finally, note that we use the nodeRef prop for AbsolutePosition. That’s because we need to do some DOM checks to see if a click on the document is inside or outside the menu. Since the ContextMenu component doesn’t render any actual HTML itself, it needs to have the AbsolutePosition component “forward a ref” on down. This is a useful technique, and Dan Abramov wrote an example of the “forwarded refs” pattern a while back.


import React, {Component} from "react";
import {connect} from "react-redux";
import Portal from 'react-portal';

import ContextMenu from "./ContextMenu";

import {selectContextMenu} from "./contextMenuSelectors";

const menuTypes = {

export function contextMenuManagerMapState(state) {
    return {
        contextMenu : selectContextMenu(state)

export class ContextMenuManager extends Component {
    render() {
        const {contextMenu} = this.props;
        const {show, location, type, menuArgs = {}} = contextMenu;

        let menu = null;

        if(show) {
            let MenuComponent = menuTypes[type];

            if(MenuComponent) {
                menu = (
                    <Portal isOpened={true}>
                        <ContextMenu location={location}>
                            <MenuComponent {...menuArgs} />

        return menu;

export default connect(contextMenuManagerMapState)(ContextMenuManager);

Similar to our ModalManager component, the ContextMenuManager uses the description in Redux to look up the right menu component if appropriate, and renders it. In this case, we also surround the menu component with our <ContextMenu> component to put it in the right position and handle clicks outside of it, and surround that with a <Portal> to ensure that it floats over the UI.

With those in place, we add the contextMenuReducer and the ContextMenuManager to our root reducer and the core application layout:

Commit e979a27: Add the context menu reducer and component to the app

And we can now throw together a quick test menu component to verify that this is working (including adding it to the context menu lookup table):

Commit 67908aa: Add an initial test context menu component and hook it up


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Menu } from 'semantic-ui-react'

export default class TestContextMenu extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <Menu vertical>
                    <Menu.Header>Menu Header: {this.props.text} </Menu.Header>
                        <Menu.Item>First Menu Item</Menu.Item>
                        <Menu.Item>Second Menu Item</Menu.Item>

If we click our “Show Test Context Menu” button, here’s what we should see:

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