Other Methods for Exception Handling

In this lesson, we mention some other functions that can be useful while handling exceptions.

Function to Handle Exceptions

Other methods can be used to handle exceptions in R.

Here is a minimal list of functions that can help programmers in handling errors and warnings in code:

  • warning(...) — to generate warnings
  • stop(...) — to generate errors
  • suppressWarnings(expression) — to evaluate the given expression and ignore any warnings
  • tryCatch(...) — we have already studied this in detail here

Let’s have a look at each one of them in detail.


The function warning() generates a warning message specified by the programmer. Suppose we are writing a program that divides two numbers however, we know that if a number is divided by 00, it returns INF. In such a case it is better to give a warning as this might be an unintentional mistake by the programmer:

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