Cheat Sheet

This is a compilation of worst-case complexities for various data-structures and algorithms.


Data StructureWorst Case Complexity Notes
Insert O(1)
Retrieve O(1)
Linked List
Insert at Tail O(n)
Insert at Head O(1)
Retrieve O(n)

Note that if new elements are added at the head of the linkedlist then insert becomes a O(1) operation.

Binary Tree
Insert O(n)
Retrieve O(n)

In worst case, the binary tree becomes a linked-list.

Dynamic Array
Insert O(1)
Retrieve O(1)

Note by retrieving it is implied we are retrieving from a specific index of the array.

Push O(1)
Pop O(1)

There are no complexity trick questions asked for stacks or queues. We only mention them here for completeness. The two data-structures are more important from a last-in last-out (stack) and first in first out (queue) perspective.

Enqueue O(1)
Dequeue O(1)
Priority Queue (binary heap)
Insert O(lgn)
Delete O(lgn)
Get Max/Min O(1)
Insert O(n)
Retrieve O(n)
Be mindful that a hashtable's average case for insertion and retrieval is O(1)
Insert O(logn)
Retrieve O(logn)
Red-Black Trees
Insert O(logn)
Retrieve O(logn)


CategoryWorst Case Complexity Notes
Bubble Sort O(n2)
Insertion Sort O(n2)
Selection Sort O(n2)
Quick Sort O(n2)
Merge Sort O(nlgn)
Note, even though worst case quicksort performance is O(n2) but in practice quicksort is often used for sorting since its average case is O(nlgn).
Depth First Search O(n)
Breadth First Search O(n)
Pre-order, In-order, Post-order Traversals O(n)

n is the total number of nodes in the tree. Most tree-traversal algorithms will end up seeing every node in the tree and their complexity in the worst case is thus O(n).

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