Summary: Protect
Get a recap of how to protect an organization from cyber threats.
Using security solutions effectively
Many security solutions are available to protect endpoint devices, the network, and end users. Using the right combination of controls helps reduce the risk of attack and increases awareness of malicious activity that may be taking place within an organization’s IT systems.
Maturity levels of the items covered
The maturity level assigned to each item represents the level of maturity an organization’s security team (or SOC) should be at to implement the respective security control effectively. It’s recommended that an organization only pursue the appropriate security controls in the order of their maturity levels. Remember that the order of the items for each level doesn’t represent their importance or the order they should be pursued in.
Level 1
Configuration management database (CMDB)
Antivirus (AV)
Host-based network firewall
Address space layout randomization (ASLR)
Data execution prevention (DEP)
Network firewall
Security awareness training
Level 2
Host intrusion detection system (HIDS)
Host intrusion prevention system (HIPS)
Web browser firewall
Network intrusion prevention system (NIPS)
Email gateway
Internet proxy
Level 3
File integrity checker (FIC)
Containerization, virtualization, and sandboxing
Web application firewall (WAF)
Database firewall
Malware prevention system (MPS)
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