Managing workloads with Flux

Now that we've configured Flux on a Kubernetes cluster, we can walk through the end-to-end process for managing containerized workloads with GitOps. For developers, releasing a new application version is as simple as performing a Git commit that updates the desired state once their changes are packaged into a container image.

Normally, the new container image is created by a continuous integration pipeline triggered when a developer pushes changes to the application source code. Since CI is outside the scope of this course, we'll need to manually build a container image after updating the sample Python application and push it to Docker Hub.

Update the sample application

We'll start by making a small change to our sample Python application that will provide us with a new version of the application we would like to deploy on the cluster. Within the first interactive widget below, navigate to the /system/app/ file containing our sample application. Within the file, make the following change to the application to update the message it returns:

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