Exercises: Pandas

Time to Test Your Skills!

Note: We are going to create a DataFrame called “df” in the first exercise, and we will keep referring to the same DataFrame as our input in the rest of the exercises.

import pandas as pd
# Input
data = {'Artist': ['Ariana Grande', 'Taylor Swift', 'Ed Sheeran', 'Justin Bieber', 'Lady Gaga', 'Bruno Mars'],
'Genre': ['Jazz', 'Rock', 'Jazz', 'Pop', 'Pop', 'Rock'],
'Listeners': [1300000, 2700000, 5000000, 2000000, 3000000, 1100000]}
labels = ['AG', 'TS', 'ED', 'JB', 'LG', 'BM']
# Your solution goes here
# Uncomment the print statement once done
# print(df)

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