Testing Reducers
We'll test Redux reducers in our Weather app that's built with React and Redux.
The reducer is, again, a pure function! It’s quite easy to see what we need to validate actually, basically every case
of our switch
needs to have a test:
export default function mainReducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return state.set('location', action.location);
case 'SET_DATA':
return state.set('data', fromJS(action.data));
case 'SET_DATES':
return state.set('dates', fromJS(action.dates));
case 'SET_TEMPS':
return state.set('temps', fromJS(action.temps));
return state.setIn(['selected', 'date'], action.date);
return state.setIn(['selected', 'temp'], action.temp);
return state;
Let’s showcase this on the 'CHANGE_LOCATION'
case, first create a reducer.test.js
file in the __tests__ /
directory, import the reducer and add the basic structure:
// __tests__/reducer.test.js
import mainReducer from '../reducer';
describe('mainReducer', function() {
The first branch of the switch statement we’ll test is the default
one – if we don’t pass any state and an empty action in it should return the initial state. The thing is that the initialState
is an immutable object, so we’ll need to import fromJS
// __tests__/reducer.test.js
import mainReducer from '../reducer';
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
describe('mainReducer', function() {
it('should return the initial state', function() {
expect(mainReducer(undefined, {})).toEqual(fromJS({
location: '',
data: {},
dates: [],
temps: [],
selected: {
date: '',
temp: null
You should now see this output:
PASS src/__tests__/actions.test.js (0.365s)
PASS src/__tests__/reducer.test.js (0.215s)
13 tests passed (13 total in 2 test suites, run time 0.519s)
Brilliant! Let’s showcase how we can test specific actions, again using our beloved 'CHANGE_LOCATION'
First, add a new it
explaining what the reducer should do:
// __tests__/reducer.test.js
import mainReducer from '../reducer';
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
describe('mainReducer', function() {
it('should return the initial state', function() {/* … */});
it('should react to an action with the type CHANGE_LOCATION', function() {
Then, validate that the reducer changes the location
field in the state correctly:
it('should react to an action with the type CHANGE_LOCATION', function() {
var location = 'Vienna, Austria';
expect(mainReducer(undefined, {
location: location
location: location,
data: {},
dates: [],
temps: [],
selected: {
date: '',
temp: null
Now we know that our action returns an object with a type
and that our reducer changes the location
field in the state correctly in response to an object with a type
! Brilliant!
Let’s do the same thing for our 'SET_DATES'
case, first add the it
// __tests__/reducer.test.js
import mainReducer from '../reducer';
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
describe('mainReducer', function() {
it('should return the initial state', function() {/* … */});
it('should react to an action with the type CHANGE_LOCATION', function() {/* … */});
it('should react to an action with the type SET_DATES', function() {
Then make sure our reducer acts accordingly:
it('should react to an action with the type SET_DATES', function() {
var dates = ['2016-01-01', '2016-02-02'];
expect(mainReducer(undefined, {
type: 'SET_DATES',
dates: dates
location: '',
data: {},
dates: dates,
temps: [],
selected: {
date: '',
temp: null
Not too hard, eh? That’s the power of redux!
Now that we have showcased how it works with those two examples, go ahead and test the other cases too!
Done? This is what your terminal output should look like when running npm run test -- --verbose
PASS src/__tests__/actions.test.js (0.365s)
✓ it should have a type of CHANGE_LOCATION (5ms)
✓ it should pass on the location we pass in (1ms)
✓ it should have a type of SET_SELECTED_DATE (1ms)
✓ it should pass on the date we pass in
✓ it should have a type of SET_SELECTED_TEMP (1ms)
✓ it should pass on the temp we pass in
✓ it should have a type of SET_DATA (1ms)
✓ it should pass on the data we pass in
✓ it should have a type of SET_DATES
✓ it should pass on the dates we pass in (1ms)
✓ it should have a type of SET_TEMPS
✓ it should pass on the temps we pass in (1ms)
PASS src/__tests__/reducer.test.js (0.515s)
✓ it should return the initial state (7ms)
✓ it should react to an action with the type 'CHANGE_LOCATION' (1ms)
✓ it should react to an action with the type 'SET_DATA' (3ms)
✓ it should react to an action with the type 'SET_DATES' (4ms)
✓ it should react to an action with the type 'SET_TEMPS' (2ms)
✓ it should react to an action with the type 'SET_SELECTED_DATE' (1ms)
✓ it should react to an action with the type 'SET_SELECTED_TEMP'
19 tests passed (19 total in 2 test suites, run time 0.819s)
If you do not have all the 7 cases in your reducer tested, go back and try to do them all! It’ll strengthen your testing muscle and help you get used to thinking this way!
When your output looks like the output above, you’re done! This is what your reducer.test.js
file should look like:
import mainReducer from '../reducer';
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
describe('mainReducer', function() {
it('should return the initial state', function() {
expect(mainReducer(undefined, {})).toEqual(fromJS({
location: '',
data: {},
dates: [],
temps: [],
selected: {
date: '',
temp: null
it("should react to an action with the type 'CHANGE_LOCATION'", function() {
var location = 'Vienna, Austria';
expect(mainReducer(undefined, {
location: location
location: location,
data: {},
dates: [],
temps: [],
selected: {
date: '',
temp: null
it("should react to an action with the type 'SET_DATA'", function() {
var data = { some: 'data' };
expect(mainReducer(undefined, {
type: 'SET_DATA',
data: data
location: '',
data: data,
dates: [],
temps: [],
selected: {
date: '',
temp: null
it("should react to an action with the type 'SET_DATES'", function() {
var dates = ['2016-01-01', '2016-02-02'];
expect(mainReducer(undefined, {
type: 'SET_DATES',
dates: dates
location: '',
data: {},
dates: dates,
temps: [],
selected: {
date: '',
temp: null
it("should react to an action with the type 'SET_TEMPS'", function() {
var temps = ['31', '32'];
expect(mainReducer(undefined, {
type: 'SET_TEMPS',
temps: temps
location: '',
data: {},
dates: [],
temps: temps,
selected: {
date: '',
temp: null
it("should react to an action with the type 'SET_SELECTED_DATE'", function() {
var date = '2016-02-01'
expect(mainReducer(undefined, {
date: date
location: '',
data: {},
dates: [],
temps: [],
selected: {
date: date,
temp: null
it("should react to an action with the type 'SET_SELECTED_TEMP'", function() {
var temp = '31';
expect(mainReducer(undefined, {
temp: temp
location: '',
data: {},
dates: [],
temps: [],
selected: {
date: '',
temp: temp
Onwards to testing our components!
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