Navigating Multiple Cloud Engineering Paths

Learn how to navigate multiple cloud engineering paths.

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Being cloud software engineers, it is highly probable that we would work on projects requiring us to wear multiple hats. For example, we may have to work across software engineering, security, and DevOps. Most times, these cloud skills could overlap, and we may find ourselves working on tasks that make us build experience in multiple paths. When this happens, our ability to keep an open mind and embrace a growth mindset will help us learn and discover more about the cloud and possibly open us up to more opportunities.

Don’t limit ourselves to one path in a scenario where this happens. Everything is connected.

Software engineering and DevOps

Here’s an example of how software engineering and DevOps are connected to security which can further validate the point that these roles overlap:

  • The cloud software engineer should learn to optimize security when writing code dealing with application secrets, authentication, and more.

  • The DevOps engineer that manages application resources should understand that it is a bad idea for every identity to have over-privileged access to production resources. They should also understand that resources like virtual machines and DNS record sets should never be left in a vulnerable state for security reasons.

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